Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Google Android launch Today

It seems like our waiting has ended and finally Google Android was launched today after less than a year after T-Mobile made public the announcement of launching Google Phone with the Android OS.

So what's Android and Google Phone?

Obviously a smart phone made by HTC, witch is known for manufacturing Windows Mobile portable devices.

"Developers will be able to make their content available on an open service hosted by Google that features a feedback and rating system similar to YouTube. (...) Content can debut in the marketplace after only three simple steps: register as a merchant, upload and describe your content and publish it,"(android blog)

read more on Google System

Burn paper through Water

Is incredible how powerful a laser can be.

via: Hacked Gadgets

Firefox in war with Google Chrome?

Um...it seems like Firefox can't deal with Google Chrome's success, so Firefox will start the war by launching new features.

I like Firefox, I really do but I can't understand why they are in conflict.Maybe they are afraid to get on 2th place.

Well...when you compete with a opponent like Google you have many reasons to be afraid :) and I understand why they are so active lately.

I think Firefox is a great browser and will always be, but maybe Google Chrome will take his place one day or maybe will be a partnership between them and create one "perfect" browser.Now I'm thinking about the vision of Mozilla experts for the future project Mozilla Firefox Aurora or Mozilla Aurora, I don't know what's the exact name but there users will have to choice between a very fast web browser and a cool one.

Of course those who are interested in design will choose Mozilla Aurora and those who are working are searching for Google Chrome :)) so, because Google is so simply designed I think they will win because Google Chrome is currently loading pretty fast.

A video of Mozilla Aurora, The future Browser.

The Thiocyanide

Hey...don't tell me you don't know what is the Thiocyanide!!

Well...watch this movie and I guarantee you will be amazed :)).First time when I saw this I thought that is a creature.

Prince of Persia release on December

The game Prince of Persia will be released on 3 versions, PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Ubisoft says that on 2th December 2008 will launch Prince of Persia: The Fallen King, too, who will run on Nintendo DS console.The game will open a new chapter in the Prince of Persia Universe and it will come with a refreshed and improved graphic - "Illustrative art".

Ubisoft says that players will have in the new Prince of Persia an improved battle system and artificial intelligence with a new character Elika.

$3,175 from Google Chrome Comic Books

It seems like Google Chrome comic books earnings will be send to Donors Choose, for charity.Currently, Google Chrome Comic Books have an income of $3,175.

That's not all!Google has just arranged to have both comic books autographed by creator Scott McCloud and many members from Google Chrome team as a thank you for the donations.

via: TechCrunch

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Google Phone, Android OS demo

A great demo with Google Phone in action running on the new operating system Android made by Google

Flash Drive from Trans-it

Imation has just announced the Trans-it Edge flash drive which comes in a streamlined, brushed metallic form factor that not only totes your data in style, it does it without compromising on security as well. Features include a wrap-around LED activity indicator and slider interface, and depending on your budget, you will be able to pick from 4GB, 8GB and 16GB models which retail from $44.99 all the way to $124.99. I must say that the design is truly different from what we have in the market at the moment, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, this would be a pretty decent purchase to make.

via: Coolest Gadgets

World Of Warcraft - Wrath of Lich King, releasing date announced

Blizzard Entertainment, the MMORPG game maker World Of Worcraft, has just announced the 2th upgrade of the famous game.The Wrath of Lich King will be released to public on 13th November 2008 and will be available in Europe, Argentina, Russia, Chile and Mexic.

On 14th November will be the official public release for Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Singapore and for 18th Hong Cong and Taiwan.

Currently, World Of Warcraft count over 11 million players over the world.The price for World of Warcraft will be somewhere between $34-35.

Google Phone, Tuesday, on New York

T-Mobile, the company who will sell this cellphone, announces that they will present the most wanted phone based on the Android Operating System made by Google.

GPhone should compete with the famous iPhone, made by Apple and maybe Instinct by Samsung or, why not Black Berry from Research Motion.

The Cellphone made by the company HTC will be released on public only next month.

Google Phone will use 3G connection, touchscreen, GPS and WiFi connection.

Iphone Cupcakes

Another great image found on Flikr.Unfortunately, those are not cupcakes....at least, they don't look like cupcakes.

Minux nurtures

Minox, the well known company for making "crazy" digital cameras does't let us down and comes with one of the smallest digital cameras.This new invention has a new slight improvement so is 94 x 55 x 24mm.The DCC Leica M3 Gold Edition is nothing more than a rerelease of the silvery edition - tiny, cute, but no match for the classic 30s style DSC (Digital Spy Camera) -- 86 x 29 x 20mm, 5-megapixels -- to be showcased next week at Photokina in Germany.

via: Engadget

High Resolution Photo with LHC Experiment (3008x1960)

This photo was take near the LHC experiment on Geneva.This is the highest resolution photo.Click on the photo to see the full size image.

Monday, September 15, 2008

TechCrunch - Over 1 million readers

Is great what Tech Crunch has made over the years and is unbelievable how Michael Arrington managed to build such a big community and now he has over 1 million feed readers, a thing that's pretty amazing.

I hope I will too someday!Till than I have to work hard :).I think is great to have over 1 million readers and now everyone likes your content and they are enjoying it.I'm wondering what's the secret of his success.Of course, he is not the only one with this great success, but he is one I like to mention.Arianna Huffington has a great blog too or BoingBoing but there are just some more people since the beginning.

Spor for Mac - The Creature Creator

Spore, one of the newest games from EA Games.Spore is a game where you control everything.SPORE (ESRB: E) has invaded the universe and you are the one who has the control!

Now EA released the Mac OS X version of Spore.In this version, the player has the full control of his creature, a uni cellular thing that you can model their body and create the character you like.

Spore has a primary win condition which is obtained by reaching a quasar placed in the center of the galaxy, and facing a large NPC race. It is possible to continue playing SPORE even after the goal has been achieved.

You can view more about the Spore Project on their channel on YouTube

System Requirements:
Mac OS X v10.5.3 or later with Intel Core Duo processor;
Dual 2.0 GHz CPUs, or 1.7GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent;
1024MB RAM with at least 5GB free hard-disk space;
Intel Integrated Chipset GMA X3100, OR
ATI Radeon: X1600, X1900, HD 2400, HD 2600, OR
NVIDIA GeForce: 7300, 7600, 8600, 8800, OR
Intel Extreme Graphics: GMA X3100.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Google Chrome is growing up fast

It has just been released and is already known by everyone, the incredible Google Chrome, one of the most fast growing web browsers in the world, even faster than Firefox.

Google, is a gold machine and everything he touch is turned into gold so he buys Youtube and now is the most visited movie hosting website, he buys Blogger and now is one of the most popular blogging platform and now, Google comes with Google Chrome, maybe the fastest browsers ever and one of the most fastest growing browsers.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Revolutionary Optical Chip from Nec

The Japanese Chip creator Nec, invented an optical chip for communications, very small who uses very low energy to send optical signals between servers and rooters.

Nec says that because of those chips, the send information will be 4 time bigger.So, the new chip supports 4 connections of 10 GB each with low resources of 0.6W.

The chip is 14 mm and 4,7mm, that means 10 time smaller than a normal chip.

The new chip can send signals for 100 meters between the servers and rooters.Nec hopes that will launch a commercial version on January 2010.

via The Inquirer

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